
John B. Judis Audio Books

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1 - 4 of 4 Titles
by John B. Judis
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Trump in America, Brexit in the UK, anti-EU parties in Italy, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Austria, Poland, and Hungary, and nativist or authoritarian leaders in Turkey, Russia, India, and China ...

by John B. Judis
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A much-needed wake-up call for the Democrats, which reveals how the party has lost sight of its core principles and endangered its political future-from the authors of "one of the most influential political books of the 21st century" (The New York Times)

by John B. Judis
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There is renewed interest in socialism in the US and the UK, particularly among young people. Who are these new socialists? Why now?

by John B. Judis
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What's happening in global politics? As if overnight, many Democrats revolted and passionately backed a socialist named Bernie Sanders; the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union; the vituperative billionaire Donald Trump became the presidential nominee of the Republican party...

1 - 4 of 4 Titles