Jesse Jackson
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by Jesse Jackson
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"When I look out at this convention, I see the face of America: Red, Yellow, Brown, Black and White. We are all precious in God's sight -- the real rainbow coalition."
by Jesse Jackson
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"From Fannie Lou Hamer in Atlantic City in 1964 to the Rainbow Coalition in San Francisco today; from the Atlantic to the Pacific, we have experienced pain but progress, as we ended American apartheid laws."
by Jesse Jackson
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For over 50 years, Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr., a Baptist minister, activist, and organizer, has worked for civil rights, peace, and the promise of true democracy.
by Jesse Jackson
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The Institute of the Black World 21st Century held a forum on the impact of the policies of the “War on Drugs” on the African-American community.
by Jesse Jackson
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At the dedication of the Martin Luther King Jr. National Memorial on the national mall, participants spoke about the legacy of the Reverend King and the civil rights movement.
by Jesse Jackson
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Jesse Jackson was commonly described as one of the more "moderate" civil-rights leaders-although, as WFB says in his introduction, "moderate" hardly does justice to his "special mixture of evangelism, toughness, eloquence, and bombast."
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