Jeffrey Sachs
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by Jeffrey Sachs
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One billion people on the planet are struggling with extreme poverty according to Jeffrey D. Sachs, director of The Earth Institute at Columbia University.
by Jeffrey Sachs
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With an increasingly crowded planet, how can we achieve sustainable development? Professor Jeffrey Sachs, director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University, explores the many challenges we face.
by Jeffrey Sachs
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Economist Jeffrey Sachs addresses the ongoing and urgent problem of sustainable development in these intimate MOOC course lectures provided by YouTube.
by Jeffrey Sachs
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Jeffrey Sachs, renowned expert on the economic and social devastation of AIDS in developing countries...
by Jeffrey Sachs
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The Price of Civilization is the blueprint for America’s economic recovery. It is also the story of how America can and must restore the virtues of fairness, honesty, and foresight as the foundations of national prosperity.
by Jeffrey Sachs
A landmark exploration of the roots of economic prosperity and the escape from extreme poverty for the world's poorest citizens.
by Jeffrey Sachs
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Jeffrey D. Sachs has shown himself to be one of the world's most perceptive and original analysts of global development in his groundbreaking book…
by Jeffrey Sachs
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Today's most urgent problems are fundamentally global. They require nothing less than concerted, planetwide action if we are to secure a long-term future. But humanity's story has always been on a global scale.
by Jeffrey Sachs
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With a nation seemingly more divided than ever, many worry that Americans risk losing ground on solving the complex, interrelated problems the country faces - including rising inequality, the specter of climate change, astronomical health care costs, and economic stagnation.
by Jeffrey Sachs
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As he has done in dozens of countries around the world in the midst of economic crises, Sachs turns his unique diagnostic skills to what ails the American economy.
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