
Jared Bernstein Audio & Video

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by Jared Bernstein
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Online Video (Free)

Globalization ushered in an era of free trade, fluid borders, and unparalleled corporate profits. For its proponents, the global integration of states and their economies was a political and economic win that created a wealth of opportunities for workers and consumers around the world.

by Jared Bernstein
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Audio Download

Is Social Security really going bust, and what does that mean to me? If I hire an immigrant, am I hurting a native-born worker? How much can presidents really affect economic outcomes?

by Jared Bernstein
Available on:
Audio Download

As the new century unfolds, we face a host of economic and social challenges - jobs lost to "off shoring," a huge and growing number of Americans without health insurance coverage, an expanding gap between rich and poor, stagnant wages, decaying public schools, and many others.

1 - 3 of 3 Titles