James Robison
Audio Books
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by James Robison
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What is the single most important common thread that unites all American Presidents - such a small number of extraordinary people from different centuries, parties, backgrounds, and experiences - as they shoulder the overwhelming responsibilities of the office of president of the United States? There is only one possible answer: their faith.
by James Robison
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Many books have been written on conservative politics. Many more have been written calling Christians to holiness and spiritual revival. Few, however, have managed to combine a clear explanation of the two....
by James Robison
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Drills deep for the refreshing stream of life-giving water that must begin to flow freely if we are to restore the church and rebuild America - before it's too late.
by James Robison
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Throughout his life blessed by God, James Robison has had countless opportunities to witness clearly the power of God and his amazing grace.
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