
James Dale Audio Books

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1 - 4 of 4 Titles
by James Dale
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The secrets to success in business aren't secrets at all. They're obvious, so obvious that they've mostly been taken for granted or ignored---until now.

by James Dale
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This audiobook contains beautiful memories of Representative Elijah Cummings narrated by Laurence Fishburne and Maya Rockeymoore Cummings, with a foreword written and read by Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

by James Dale
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Iron Man Cal Ripken, Jr., the 19-time All-Star, World-Series-winning legend, American League MVP, and record holder who played 2,632 consecutive games, outlines eight rules for the game of baseball and life, drawing from the lessons he has learned on and off the field.

by James Dale
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In telling his own story, Josh Luchs pulls back the curtain on the real economy - and the broken system - of college football....

1 - 4 of 4 Titles