
J.C. Ryle Audio & Video

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by J.C. Ryle
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Wisdom, encouragement, and exhortation is contained in these pages. Not because of the author's brilliance, but because of the words of truth contained in the gospel of John.

by J.C. Ryle
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In The Duties of Parents, J.C. Ryle presents seventeen simple and yet profound responsibilities of Christian parents. Nothing new is contained in this little volume, yet what is presented has the potential to change future generations both now and for eternity.

by J.C. Ryle
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In days when evangelical preachers are accused of being either superficial or dull, we have here a great example of one who was neither of these things....

by J.C. Ryle
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It is indifference that leaves people alone and allows them to go their own way. It is love, tender love, that warns them and raises the cry of alarm.

by J.C. Ryle
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A thorough study of sin, salvation by faith, and the Christian's journey of sanctification. He who wants a correct understanding of holiness must first begin by examining the vast and solemn subject of sin.

by J.C. Ryle
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Striving for holiness should be a goal for all followers of Christ, yet it is often viewed as too overwhelming of an undertaking or as simply not as important as the more immediate demands of daily life.

by J.C. Ryle
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Let no one make you think that you are too young to serve God. That is not true.

by J.C. Ryle
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We live in troubled and dangerous times. It has been a long time since there have been as many ideas and events in our world causing fear and anxiety as there are today.

by J.C. Ryle
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Online Video (Free)

I want to tell you what perhaps the greatest Christian who ever lived (the Apostle Paul) thought of the cross of Christ. Believe me, the cross is of deepest importance.

by J.C. Ryle
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The 19th century was an age that witnessed great progress in many areas of exploration and learning.

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