H.W. Brands History Audio Books & Talks
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by H.W. Brands
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In this first lecture called "The Business of America" Professor Brands gives a brief overview of the course and then proceeds to cover 200 years of American business history in 20 minutes from 1776 to the 20th century.
by H.W. Brands
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Since the formation of the American Republic the principles of free enterprise and equal opportunity have been at the very core of economic philosophy.
by H.W. Brands
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The most famous American of his time, Andrew Jackson is a seminal figure in American history. The first "common man" to rise to the presidency, Jackson embodied the spirit and the vision of the emerging American nation.
by H.W. Brands
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Henry William Brands was born in Oregon, went to college in California, sold cutlery across the American West, and earned a graduate degrees in mathematics - before he embarked on a path that would make him one of the great presidential historians of our time.
by H.W. Brands
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Historian H.W. Brands talked about his life, work, and writings. Topics included his presidential biographies, writing eyewitness history, the U.S. constitution, and research.
by H.W. Brands
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Drawing on archival materials, public speeches, personal correspondence, and accounts by family and close associates, the acclaimed bestselling historian and biographer Brands offers a compelling and intimate portrait of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's life and career. Abridged.
by H.W. Brands
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H.W. Brands is an American educator, author and historian. He has authored 25 books on U.S. history and biography.
by H.W. Brands
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New York Times bestselling author HW Brands was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize for his biographies of Benjamin Franklin and Franklin Roosevelt, The First American and Traitor to His Class, respectively.
by H.W. Brands
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A sweeping chronicle of how a few wealthy businessmen reshaped America from a land of small farmers and small businessmen into an industrial giant....
by H.W. Brands
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Appearing by remote access from Austin, Texas, H.W. Brands talked about the political career and the presidential tenure of Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
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