George Lakoff
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by George Lakoff
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This New York Times best seller is the authoritative guide to comprehending what happened in the 2004 elections…
by George Lakoff
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In The Political Mind, George Lakoff explains why a great number of Americans actually vote against their own interests....
by George Lakoff
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UC Berkeley professor of Cognitive Science and Linguistics George Lakoff explores how successful political debates are framed by using language targeted to people's values instead of their support for specific government programs in this public lecture sponsored by the Helen Edison Series at UC San Diego.
by George Lakoff
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Since it became an international best-seller in 2004, Don't Think of an Elephant! has been the definitive handbook for progressives who want to articulate their goals and values to voters, understand how conservatives think and why people often vote against their best interests, and frame the political debate.
by George Lakoff
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Lakoff, an adviser to the Democratic party, shows that the conservative revolution has remade freedom in its own image and deployed it as a central weapon on the front lines of everything from the war on terror to the battles over religion in the classroom and abortion.
by George Lakoff
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Author George Lakoff discusses his book "Whose Freedom?: The Battle over America's Most Important Idea" as a part of the Authors@Google series.
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