
George Bernard Shaw Audio Books

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by George Bernard Shaw
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Pygmalion (1913) is a play by George Bernard Shaw based on the Greek myth of the same name. It tells the story of Henry Higgins, a professor of phonetics (based on phonetician Henry Sweet), who makes a bet with his friend Colonel Pickering that he can successfully pass off a Cockney flower girl, Eliza Doolittle, as a refined society lady by teaching her how to speak with an upper class accent and training her in etiquette.

by George Bernard Shaw
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This is one of three plays Shaw published as Plays Unpleasant in 1898; they were termed "unpleasant" because they were intended, not to entertain their audiences…

by George Bernard Shaw
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Pygmalion remains one of the most popular stories, but mainly in the medium of the musical; the evergreen My Fair Lady....

by George Bernard Shaw
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One of Shaw's most enduring works, Pygmalion is a perceptive comedy about class relations and perceptions, as played out between a Cockney flower...

by George Bernard Shaw
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It's 1885, and Raina's bourgeois Bulgarian family is cought up in the heady patriotism of their war with Serbia.

by George Bernard Shaw
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The blowhards, the know-it-alls, the scrupulous and the impecunious are all targets for Shaw’s incisive wit in his classic satire of the medical profession.

by George Bernard Shaw
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When a Salvation Army officer learns that her father has donated lots of money to her organization, she resigns in disgust but eventually sees the truth of her father.

by George Bernard Shaw
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Pygmalion is a play by George Bernard Shaw.

by George Bernard Shaw
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Candida, a comedy by playwright George Bernard Shaw, was first published in 1898, as part of his Plays Pleasant.

by George Bernard Shaw
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Modern parallels abound in the plight of Cambridge-educated mathematics wiz Vivie Warren, who discovers that her comfortable upbringing was financed in unspeakable ways.

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