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by Gary Smalley
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The best-selling classic that helps children thrive today and experience a special future tomorrow. Now revised, updated, and enhanced for a new generation!
by Gary Smalley
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Smalley and Cunningham explore this often maligned and God-given emotion known as anger, and explain five specific tactics to deal with anger and rage and replace those feelings with forgiveness.
by Gary Smalley
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Relationship expert Gary Smalley and his pastor and friend Tedd Cunningham show couples how to defuse the ticking time bomb of unrealistic expectations and arm their marriage with healthy communication and honest intimacy.
by Gary Smalley
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Are you looking for a love guarantee? In this extraordinary audio presentation, marriage expert Gary Smalley shows you how to stay in love through all the stages of life.
by Gary Smalley
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There is a secret formula for the best sex of your life, but you won't find the recipe in the pages of a checkout-line magazine.
by Gary Smalley
Life is relationships; the rest is just details. We are designed for relationships, yet they often bring us pain.
by Gary Smalley
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Winning your wife back from emotional or physical separation is more than doing the same things with more intensity. It involves developing a whole new strategy to overcome what seem to be overwhelming odds to attain a come-from-behind victory.
by Gary Smalley
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In this audio, Dr. Gary Smalley discusses how five essential commitments determine the destiny of your marriage. America's foremost marriage expert has come to the remarkable conclusion that great marriages are not built on behavioral skills.
by Gary Smalley
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Find the balance between tough love and tender love. In The Two Sides of Love, best-selling authors John Trent and Gary Smalley explain how to find a healthy balance between the protective, consistent, "hard side" of love and the tender, understanding, "soft side" of love.
by Gary Smalley
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Too often, couples enter remarriage unaware of potential problems and unprepared for the challenges stepfamily life will bring....
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