Gail Caldwell
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by Gail Caldwell
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From the New York Times bestselling author of Let's Take the Long Way Home comes a moving memoir about how the women's movement revolutionized and saved her life, from the 1960s to the Me Too era.
by Gail Caldwell
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The Pulitzer Prize winner and New York Times bestselling author of Let’s Take the Long Way Home now gives us a stunning, exquisitely written memoir about a dramatic turning point in her life, which unexpectedly opened up a world of understanding, possibility, and connection.
by Gail Caldwell
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Pulitzer Prize-winning author Gail Caldwell offers a powerful and moving memoir about her coming-of-age in mid-life and her extraordinary friendship with Caroline Knapp....
by Gail Caldwell
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Caldwell was born in Texas, in a land of plains so vast they frightened her. Turning to books for each poignant change in her life, she eventually became what her mother could not: a writer....
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