Frank Schaeffer
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by Frank Schaeffer
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Best-selling author Frank Schaeffer asks what the Glenn Becks and the Rush Limbaughs and the paranoid fantasies of the right-wing echo chamber are really all about. Here's a hint: sex....
by Frank Schaeffer
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In this provocative book, Franky Schaeffer shows how Christians today have sacrificed the artistic prominence they enjoyed for centuries and settled instead for mediocrity.
by Frank Schaeffer
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By the time he was 19, Frank Schaeffer's parents, Francis and Edith Schaeffer, had achieved global fame as best-selling evangelical authors and speakers, and Frank had joined his father on the evangelical circuit.
by Frank Schaeffer
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Frank Schaeffer has a problem with Dawkins, Hitchens, Harris, Dennett, and the rest of the New Atheists - the self-anointed "Brights". He also has a problem with the Rick Warrens and Tim LaHayes of the world - the religious fundamentalists. The problem is that he doesn't see much of a difference between the two camps.
by Frank Schaeffer
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Best-selling author Frank Schaeffer offers a passionate political, social, and lifestyle "blueprint" for changes millions of us know are needed to rebalance our work lives with thriving relationships: Fall in Love, Have Children, Stay Put, Save the Planet, Be Happy.
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