
Frank Lipman Audio Books

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1 - 4 of 4 Titles
by Frank Lipman
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Are you tired of feeling worn out, sick, and overweight? Why is it that we experience weight gain, fatigue, aches and pains, illnesses, and memory loss as we get older? While these ailments do become more common in our 30s and 40s, they aren't inevitable.

by Frank Lipman
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Sleep is the most important part of anyone's journey to a healthy and happy life, and with this book you can learn how to fix your sleep schedule and recover precious hours of relaxation.

by Frank Lipman
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In How to Be Well, Lipman has created The Good Medicine Mandala - a new map for a new era of medicine. The Good Medicine Mandala is illustrated by a circular system of six rings that contain simple steps to what really works to improve and strengthen resilience, functioning, and overall health.

by Frank Lipman
Available on:
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Are you tired of feeling worn out, sick, and overweight? Why is it that we experience weight gain, fatigue, aches and pains, illnesses, and memory loss as we get older?

1 - 4 of 4 Titles