
Felicia Harris Audio Books

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1 - 8 of 8 Titles
by Felicia Harris
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How do I find a husband? Where are all the good men? The Bible says, He that findeth a wife, obtaineth favor from the Lord. Therefore, there are men looking to find a wife....

by Felicia Harris
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It feels awful to be rejected, but we've all been through it. The question is: What to do to move forward? Felicia Harris, minister to thousands, explains how to deal with rejection....

by Felicia Harris
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Your husband is acting distant. He rarely answers phone calls from you. He seems annoyed when you try to talk to him....

by Felicia Harris
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Let Felicia Harris explain the necessary steps to take that will assist you in your job search and build confidence in the process....

by Felicia Harris
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You're having a tough time losing weight and it's depressing - what should you do? Every time you go somewhere, you feel uncomfortable because of your weight....

by Felicia Harris
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Yes, there are many negative aspects regarding the swine flu. But Felicia Harris explains what the most important lesson to learn is from the recent (and ongoing) epidemic....

by Felicia Harris
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Biblical Truths for Cycle Breakers We use words like "honor", "loyalty", and "tradition" to talk about our families.

by Felicia Harris
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You feel suicidal -- why should you go on? You're depressed. You think everyone has turned their back on you. You have nowhere to turn, or no one to talk to. Or so it seems.....

1 - 8 of 8 Titles