Dwight L. Moody
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by Dwight L. Moody
Dwight Lyman Moody (1837-1899), world-renowned worker for Christ, went to be with his Lord on December 22, 1899. From the life of this humble man rivers of living water had streamed out to bless America, Great Britain and the world.
by Dwight L. Moody
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In the church today, we have everything buttoned up perfectly. The music is flawless, the sermon well-prepared and smoothly delivered, and the grounds meticulously kept.
by Dwight L. Moody
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Are you an overcomer? Or, are you plagued by little sins that easily beset you? Even worse, are you failing in your Christian walk, but refuse to admit and address it?
by Dwight L. Moody
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There is no situation in life for which you cannot find some word of consolation in Scripture. If you are in affliction, if you are in adversity and trial, there is a promise for you.
by Dwight L. Moody
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God will exalt us when the time is right. We needn't try to promote ourselves; we needn't struggle for position. Let God put us where He wants us and let us be true to God.
by Dwight L. Moody
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The goal of this book is to whet your appetite for heaven. A careful look at Scripture reveals that heaven is what every born-again believer is longing for.
by Dwight L. Moody
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The ten commandments are not popular today. Atheists want them nowhere in sight. Many Christians say they are outdated. But Dwight L. Moody challenges us to take a closer look.
by Dwight L. Moody
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There is no situation in life for which you cannot find some word of consolation in Scripture. If you are in affliction, if you are in adversity and trial, there is a promise for you.
by Dwight L. Moody
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We can't get away from the principle of reaping what we sow. If we sow good seed, we anticipate a great harvest. But if we sow weeds, we'll harvest no more than we sowed.
by Dwight L. Moody
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There is life in Christ. Rich, joyous, wonderful life. It is true that the Lord disciplines those whom He loves and that we are often tempted by the world and our enemy, the devil.
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