Dr. Edward de Bono
Audio Books
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6 Titles
by Dr. Edward de Bono
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Suffering from writer's block? Wish you were more inventive? Perhaps, like most of us, you were...
by Dr. Edward de Bono
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By teaching their children the skills presented in this program, parents can ensure their future success.
by Dr. Edward de Bono
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What is thinking? "Thinking is the ultimate human resource," Dr. Edward de Bono says in this one-of-a-kind audio workshop...
by Dr. Edward de Bono
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We've all heard the expression, "Use your head!" But what exactly does it mean? Dr. de Bono, regarded...
by Dr. Edward de Bono
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What color is your thinking hat? In this revolutionary work, Dr. de Bono explains the 6 different...
by Dr. Edward de Bono
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Great thinkers aren't born - they're made. Good thinking is not a matter of intelligence, not a gift - it is a skill...
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