
Douglas Brinkley Audio & Video

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by Douglas Brinkley
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A Biography of America presents history not simply as a series of irrefutable facts to be memorized, but as a living narrative.

by Douglas Brinkley
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Audio Download

Published in commemoration of the centennial of President John F. Kennedy's birth, here is the definitive compendium of JFK's most important and brilliant speeches…

by Douglas Brinkley
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Audio Download | Audio Cassette

In 1955, Rosa Parks, an African-American seamstress, had no idea she was changing history when, fed up and tired, she refused to surrender her seat to a white passenger on a bus in Alabama....

by Douglas Brinkley
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Online Video (Free)

Historians Richard Norton Smith and Douglas Brinkley talked about their work and their profession.

by Douglas Brinkley
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Audio Download | Audio CD

New York Times bestselling author Brinkley tells the complete tale of the 2005 storm that forced him and thousands of his fellow New Orleanians from their homes, offering a unique, piercing analysis of the ongoing crisis and its repercussions for America.

by Douglas Brinkley
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Audio Download

As the 50th anniversary of the first lunar landing approaches, the award-winning historian and perennial New York Times best-selling author takes a fresh look at the space program, President John F. Kennedy's inspiring challenge, and America's race to the moon.

by Douglas Brinkley
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Audio Download | Audio CD | Audio Cassette | MP3 CD

Abraham Lincoln in 1856 was at a difficult point, personally. Depressed, edgy, and often despondent, he had grown bored with his work as a lawyer.

by Douglas Brinkley
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Audio Download | Audio CD

The acclaimed historian and bestselling author of "Tour of Duty" and "The Boys of Pointe du Hoc" offers the first in-depth biography of the Roman Catholic priest who fought against prejudice and founded the Knights of Columbus.

by Douglas Brinkley
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Audio Download

Hope and History is both a memoir and a call to action for the renewal of faith in democracy and America.

by Douglas Brinkley
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Audio Download

The acclaimed, award-winning historian - "America's new past master" (Chicago Tribune) - examines the environmental legacy of FDR and the New Deal.

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