
Donald Johanson Audio & Video

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by Donald Johanson
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Charles Darwin and Thomas Henry Huxley predicted that Africa would ultimately prove to be the cradle of humankind in spite of strong opposition from scholars who embraced a Eurocentric view for human origins.

by Donald Johanson
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Celebrating decades of groundbreaking exploration in East Africa, renowned paleoanthropologists Donald Johanson and Richard Leakey shared the stage at the American Museum of Natural History on May 5 to discuss the overwhelming evidence for evolution in the hominid fossil record and why understanding our evolutionary history is so important.

by Donald Johanson
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What Makes us Human? By any measure, humans are an outlier species, albeit a very successful one. We dominate the planet and live in more sophisticated, complex societies than any other creature. All animals are unique, but humans are the most unique of all. Why?

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