
David Simon Audio Books

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1 - 5 of 5 Titles
by David Simon
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A highly acclaimed journalistic masterpiece and true crime classic, Homicide illustrates a year in the life of the detectives...

by David Simon
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The crime-infested intersection of West Fayette and Monroe Streets is well-known - and cautiously avoided - by most of Baltimore.

by David Simon
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The remarkable benefits of yoga, which include improved flexibility, balance, muscle tone, endurance, and vitality, only hint at the extraordinary power of this deeply spiritual practice.

by David Simon
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A much-needed antidote to our modern, assembly-line approach to childbirth, this new book is designed as a guide for all who wish to participate in the wondrous process of bringing life....

by David Simon
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For anyone struggling to break the cycle of addiction comes the groundbreaking approach from The Chopra Center....

1 - 5 of 5 Titles