David Meerman Scott
Audio Books
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by David Meerman Scott
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The Internet has profoundly changed the way people communicate and interact with each other. It has also changed the way businesses communicate with current and potential customers. In the old days, marketers could only communicate through the filter of expensive advertising or media ink placed by a PR firm.
by David Meerman Scott
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The Internet has profoundly changed the way people communicate and interact with each other. It has also changed the way businesses communicate....
by David Meerman Scott
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The Grateful Dead broke almost every rule in the music industry book. They encouraged their fans to record shows and trade tapes; they built a mailing list and sold concert tickets directly to fans; and they built their business model on live concerts, not album sales.
by David Meerman Scott
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Product and service sensations like the iPod, Starbucks, or FedEx were seemingly successful overnight. But, it wasn't luck, creativity, or clever marketing that led to their breakthroughs.
by David Meerman Scott
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Wake up, it's revolution time! Gone are the days when you could plan out your marketing and public-relations programs well in advance and release them on your timetable....
by David Meerman Scott
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What do Blendtec, The Wizarding World of Harry Potter and Barack Obama have in common? They all created huge amounts of buzz and generated millions of dollars in sales and campaign contributions…
by David Meerman Scott
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Sales and service are being radically redefined like never before.
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