David E. Hoffman
Audio Books
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by David E. Hoffman
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This riveting narrative history of the end of the arms race sheds new light on the frightening last chapters of the Cold War and the legacy of the nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons that remain a threat today.
by David E. Hoffman
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From the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Dead Hand comes the riveting story of the CIA's most valuable spy in the Soviet Union and an evocative portrait of the agency's Moscow station, an outpost of daring espionage in the last years of the Cold War.
by David E. Hoffman
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A brilliant investigative marrative: How six average Soviet men rose to the pinnacle of Russia's battered economy.
by David E. Hoffman
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From the Pulitzer Prize-winning Washington Post reporter David E. Hoffman comes the riveting biography of Oswaldo Paya, a dissident who dared to defy Fidel Castro, inspiring thousands of Cubans to fight for democracy.
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