
Corey Brettschneider Audio Books

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1 - 7 of 7 Titles
by Corey Brettschneider
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Historic Supreme Court cases that impact modern-day issues of American liberty, in a short, accessible volume as part of the new Penguin Liberty series.

by Corey Brettschneider
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Can the president launch a nuclear attack without congressional approval? Is it ever a crime to criticize the president? Can states legally resist a president's executive order? Corey Brettschneider takes us on a deep dive into the US Constitution to answer questions that...

by Corey Brettschneider
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Alexander Hamilton in his own words. Here is a short and accessible collection of the Founding Father's most essential writings that reflects his constitutional legacy, as part of the new Penguin Liberty series.

by Corey Brettschneider
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The trailblazing Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in her own words. Her most essential writings on gender equality and women's rights, reproductive health care, and voting and civil rights, now available in a short, accessible volume as part of the new Penguin Liberty series.

by Corey Brettschneider
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A short, accessible collection of key historic writings about presidential impeachment, as part of a new Penguin Classics series on liberty and constitutional rights.

by Corey Brettschneider
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Speech is the lifeblood of democracy, but only if we understand its true meaning and its role in sustaining our government.

by Corey Brettschneider
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To understand the most contentious issues around religious liberty, this volume provides influential philosophical ideas from the US' founding to the present day...

1 - 7 of 7 Titles