
Christine Carter Audio Books

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1 - 5 of 5 Titles
by Christine Carter
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It's considered a given, once your child hits puberty, that she or he will become uncommunicative, rude, and withdrawn, but there are neurobiological, social, and developmental reasons for these often-frustrating behaviors, and understanding those factors can really help us parent well.

by Christine Carter
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Today's teenagers and preteens are growing up in an entirely new world, one that is defined by social media and mobile devices.

by Christine Carter
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Learn how to achieve more by doing less! Live in that zone you've glimpsed but can't seem to hold on to - the sweet spot where you have the greatest strength, but also the greatest ease.

by Christine Carter
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Discover the many benefits to the Ketogenic diet beyond weight loss - including reduced anxiety, minimized depression, and even a reduction or elimination of prescription medications.

by Christine Carter
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An essential guide to raising happy children from author Christine Carter, complete with tips, secrets, and strategies that will set the stage for positive emotions into adolescence and beyond....

1 - 5 of 5 Titles