
Chris Impey Audio & Video

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1 - 9 of 9 Titles
by Chris Impey
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Online Video (Free)

How are astronomers approaching their search for life in the universe? What have we learned from the surge of exoplanets discoveries? How likely is it that Earth does not host the only life in the Universe?

by Chris Impey
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Online Video (Free)

This is an introductory level course about the history and philosophy of astronomy, the oldest science.

by Chris Impey
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Online Video (Free)

This course is designed for anyone who is interested in learning more about modern astronomy. We will help you get up to date on the most recent astronomical discoveries while also providing support at an introductory level for those who have no background in science.

by Chris Impey
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Audio Download

The fascinating science behind the eventual end to everything - from the individual to all existence....

by Chris Impey
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Audio Download

A dynamic and unforgettable portrait of the cosmos, How It Began will reward its listeners with a deeper understanding of the universe we inhabit as well as a renewed sense of wonder at its beauty and mystery....

by Chris Impey
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Audio Download

A dynamic and unforgettable portrait of the cosmos, How It Began will reward listeners with a deeper understanding of the universe as well as a renewed sense of wonder at its beauty and mystery....

by Chris Impey
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Audio Download

Beyond dares to imagine a fantastic future for humans in space - and then reminds us that we're already there.

by Chris Impey
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Audio Download

Dreams of Other Worlds describes the unmanned space missions that have opened new windows on distant worlds.

by Chris Impey
Available on:
Audio Download

The astonishing science of black holes and their role in understanding the history and future of our universe.

1 - 9 of 9 Titles