Chester Elton
Audio Books
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by Chester Elton
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Based on an extensive management study, the bestselling authors of "A Carrot a Day" and "The 24-Carrot Manager" show how great managers use constructive praise and recognition to motivate their work forces.
by Chester Elton
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Executive coaches and number-one best-selling authors of All In and The Carrot Principle offer insight and advice in this practical eight-step guide both managers and employees can use to reduce work anxiety in the office and at home.
by Chester Elton
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The influential New York Times best-selling authors - the "apostles of appreciation" Chester Elton and Adrian Gostick - provide managers and executives with easy ways to add more gratitude to the everyday work environment to help bolster moral, efficiency, and profitability.
by Chester Elton
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The New York Times best-selling authors of The Carrot Principle and All In deliver a breakthrough, groundbreaking guide for building today's most collaborative teams - so any organization can operate at peak performance.
by Chester Elton
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To have any hope of succeeding as a manager, you need to get your people all in....
by Chester Elton
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Most employees feel invisible to their leadership---and many times prefer to stay hidden in the corporate shadow lands. The Invisible Employee, part fable, part business advice, teaches managers how to actively engage employees, and find the way to bring out the best in them.
by Chester Elton
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Following up on their best-selling The Carrot Principle, Adrian Gostick and Chester Elton return with a groundbreaking guide to building high-performance teams....
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