Charlie Rose
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by Charlie Rose
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Listen to this hour-long conversation with the Honorable Dalai Lama on the Charlie Rose Show. In this interview Charlie Rose talks with the Dalai Lama about the political situation in Tibet and China, and what the Dalai Lama's hopes are for the Tibetan people.
by Charlie Rose
The CBS This Morning podcast is a daily roundup of the most important world news you need to start the day off well-informed.
by Charlie Rose
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Noam Chomsky talks with Charlie Rose in New York about the Middle East peace process, the U.S.-led war on Iraq, and democracy and politics in the U.S.
by Charlie Rose
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Paul McCartney talks with Charlie Rose about his time with The Beatles, his career since their break-up, his forays into classical music, painting and poetry...
by Charlie Rose
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Time film critics Richard Schickel and Richard Corliss tell Charlie Rose how they made their selections for the magazine's All-Time 100 Movies list...
by Charlie Rose
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Panelists discuss the impacts of the US economic crisis on local and global economies and several areas of focus for fiscal recovery.
by Charlie Rose
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An hour with Senator Barack Obama (D-IL). He discusses the speculation about a presidential run in 2008, his political ideology...
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