
Charles Bracelen Flood Audio Books

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by Charles Bracelen Flood
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Audio Cassette

After his dramatic surrender at Appomattox, Robert E. Lee lived only another five years, during which time he did more than any other American to heal the wounds between North and South during the tempestuous postwar period.

by Charles Bracelen Flood
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We were as brothers, William Tecumseh Sherman said, describing his relationship with Ulysses S. Grant. They were incontestably two of the most important figures in the Civil War, but until now there has been no book about their victorious partnership and the deep friendship that made it possible.

by Charles Bracelen Flood
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At the beginning of 1864, the Civil War was far from won; terrible and bloody Union setbacks and casualties lay ahead. Abraham Lincoln was facing a re-election battle as some northern Democrats were ready to start peace talks that could leave the Confederacy a separate slaveholding American nation and as his secretary of the treasury, Salmon P. Chase, challenged him for the Republican nomination.

by Charles Bracelen Flood
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Shortly after losing all of his wealth in a terrible 1884 swindle, Ulysses S. Grant learned he had terminal throat and mouth cancer....

by Charles Bracelen Flood
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Audio Download

If the Wright brothers' 1903 flights in Kitty Hawk marked the birth of aviation, World War I can be called its violent adolescence - a brief but bloody era that completely changed the way planes were designed, fabricated, and flown.

1 - 5 of 5 Titles