
Chalmers Johnson Audio & Video

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by Chalmers Johnson
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The long-awaited final volume of Chalmers Johnsons bestselling Blowback trilogy confronts the overreaching of the American empire and the threat it poses to the republic.

by Chalmers Johnson
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In this incisive and controversial book, Chalmers Johnson lays out in vivid detail the dangers faced by our overextended empire, which insists on projecting its military power to every corner of the earth and using American capital and markets to force global economic integration on its own terms.

by Chalmers Johnson
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Online Video (Free)

Chalmers Johnson was interviewed about topical issues and his book, The Sorrows of Empire: Militarism, Secrecy, and the End of the Republic, published by Metropolitan Books.

by Chalmers Johnson
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Distinguished social scientist and public intellectual Chalmers Johnson, President of the Japan Policy Institute, joins host Harry Kreisler for a conversation on the nature of the American Empire and its costs and consequences for the future of American democracy and power in the world.

by Chalmers Johnson
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After the Soviet Union imploded, the United States was described first as the globe’s “lone superpower,” then as “reluctant sheriff,” and, in the wake of 9/11, as a “New Rome.”

by Chalmers Johnson
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Johnson proposes there is only one way to fight blowback: the President must dismantle the empire before the Pentagon dismantles the American Dream. If we do not learn from the fates of past empires, our fall is foreordained.

by Chalmers Johnson
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Conversations host Harry Kreisler welcomes Chalmers Johnson for a discussion of his new book, Nemesis.

1 - 7 of 7 Titles