
Benedict Flynn Audio Books

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1 - 8 of 8 Titles
by Benedict Flynn
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A mysterious knight all in green arrives at King Arthur's court and issues a bizarre challenge. Gawain answers the knight - but at what cost?

by Benedict Flynn
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The Adventures of Odysseus is the story of what happened after the Trojan War when Odysseus, the most cunning of all the Greek heroes...

by Benedict Flynn
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These stories are about how, many years ago, Arthur the once and future King of England, set out to save his country from the troubles that plagued it, aided by the brave knights...

by Benedict Flynn
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Dante's vision, The Divine Comedy, has profoundly affected every generation since it first appeared in the early 14th century. Here is a brief account of his life, compiled from various sources (including his first biographer, Boccaccio) by Benedict Flynn, whose new translation of the Comedy has been widely acclaimed.

by Benedict Flynn
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Audio CD

Enduring tales, such as Mark Twain's A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court & The Prince and the Pauper, have delighted young and old for years and they continue to do so today.

by Benedict Flynn
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There was once a time, when the tall towers of Troy reached gleaming into the sky, and its proud king fought against an invading army in a desperate siege. The Tale of Troy is a retelling of Homer's Iliad, for younger listeners.

by Benedict Flynn
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Robin Hood, one of the great legends of England, lives again in this re-telling of the famous story. Dressed in Lincoln green, with his longbow never far from his hands, he moves through Sherwood Forest...

by Benedict Flynn
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The legends of Ireland come from a strong tradition of imagination and storytelling, weaving true history with brilliant threads of myth and lore, illustrated in this collection.

1 - 8 of 8 Titles