Ben Shapiro
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by Ben Shapiro
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It's everywhere, from commercials to New York Times best-sellers to college (and even younger) classrooms. In fact, pornography has become such a part of normal life in 21st century America that many teens and twenty-somethings have had no more important influence.
by Ben Shapiro
Tired of the lies? Tired of the spin? Are you ready to hear the hard-hitting truth in comprehensive, conservative, principled fashion?
by Ben Shapiro
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When parents send their children off to college, Mom and Dad hope they'll return more cultivated, knowledgeable, and astute - able to see issues from all points of view.
by Ben Shapiro
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America has a God-shaped hole in its heart, argues New York Times best-selling author Ben Shapiro, and we shouldn't fill it with politics and hate.
by Ben Shapiro
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Ben Shapiro uncovers the simple strategy used by liberals and their friends in the media: bully the living hell out of conservatives.
by Ben Shapiro
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How far are Americans willing to go to force each other to fall in line?
by Ben Shapiro
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Ben Shapiro, editor-at-large of, talked about his life and career. At 17, Mr. Shapiro became Creators Syndicate's youngest nationally syndicated columnist, with his columns appearing in the Christian Science Monitor, the Orlando Sentinel and the Chicago Sun Times, among others.
by Ben Shapiro
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A growing number of Americans want to tear down what it's taken us 250 years to build - and they'll start by canceling our shared history, ideals, and culture.
by Ben Shapiro
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Project President is a hilarious romp through American electoral history.
by Ben Shapiro
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Movie critic Michael Medved calls Ben Shapiro, "One of our most refreshing and insightful voices on the popular culture, as well as a conscience for his much-maligned generation.
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