B. Alan Wallace
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by B. Alan Wallace
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Meditation offers, in addition to its many other benefits, a method for achieving previously inconceivable levels of concentration.
by B. Alan Wallace
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Galileo took a seminal role in launching the first revolution in the physical sciences, and a key element in this revolution was the rigorous, sophisticated observation of physical phenomena.
by B. Alan Wallace
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Some of the greatest of life's adventures can happen while you're sound asleep.
by B. Alan Wallace
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Tibetan Buddhist practice isn't just sitting in silent meditation, it's developing fresh attitudes that align our minds with reality. Includes three new translations of Atisha's source material.
by B. Alan Wallace
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Wallace, a pioneer of modern consciousness research, offers a practical and revolutionary method for exploring the mind....
by B. Alan Wallace
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The Four Immeasurables - the cultivation of loving-kindness, compassion, empathetic joy, and equanimity - is a rich suite of practices that open the heart, counter the distortions in our relationships to ourselves, and deepen our relationships to others.
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