Ayaan Hirsi Ali
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by Ayaan Hirsi Ali
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From the number-one New York Times best-selling author of God Is Not Great, a provocative and entertaining guided tour of atheist and agnostic thought through the ages with never-before-published pieces by Salman Rushdie, Ian McEwan, and Ayaan Hirsi Ali.
by Ayaan Hirsi Ali
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What happened to Islamic reform? Why have al Qaeda and Boko Haram become the faces of contemporary Islam? Why has the Arab Spring devolved into a battle over sharia law?
by Ayaan Hirsi Ali
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In these pages Hirsi Ali recounts the many turns her life took after she broke with her family, and how she struggled to throw off restrictive superstitions and misconceptions that initially hobbled her ability to assimilate into Western society.
by Ayaan Hirsi Ali
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Is the rise of terrorism and violence justifiably traced to the teachings of Islam, or is this call to war a twisted interpretation of the true Muslim faith?
by Ayaan Hirsi Ali
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In this debate hosted by Intelligence Squared, advocates from 3 separate spheres argue whether or not Islam is a religion that inherently encourages violence.
by Ayaan Hirsi Ali
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This New York Times best-seller is the astonishing life story of award-winning humanitarian Ayaan Hirsi Ali.
by Ayaan Hirsi Ali
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Ayaan Hirsi Ali joins Peter Robinson to discuss her new book, The Challenge of Dawa: Political Islam as Ideology and Movement and How to Contain It, and her views on the challenges facing Western civilization in regards to political Islam.
by Ayaan Hirsi Ali
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Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a best-selling author and outspoken critic of radical Islam, will speak at a National Press Club Newsmaker Luncheon on April 7.
by Ayaan Hirsi Ali
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A former member of the Dutch parliament and longtime human rights advocate, Ali has lived in constant threat for her outspoken beliefs and collaboration with controversial director Theo van Gogh (who was later murdered by a radical Islamist).
by Ayaan Hirsi Ali
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Why are so few people talking about the eruption of sexual violence and harassment in Europe's cities? No one in a position of power wants to admit that the problem is linked to the arrival of several million migrants-most of them young men-from Muslim-majority countries.
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