Andrew Keen
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by Andrew Keen
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If human beings successfully create self-aware machines, will the positive social benefits outweigh the potential dangers we see in many blockbuster Hollywood movies?
by Andrew Keen
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Around the world, technology is disrupting the workforce, with automation poised to displace humans in the fields of medicine, agriculture, and beyond. Will the rise of robots fuel a new wave of "us versus them" populism capable of undermining democracy?
by Andrew Keen
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Online Video (Free)
Author Andrew Keen discusses his book "The Cult of the Amateur: How Today's Internet Is Killing Our Culture" as part of the Authors@Google series.
by Andrew Keen
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Online Video (Free)
They are coming to an office near you: job-gobbling robots that can do your work better and more cheaply than you can. One in three jobs could be taken over by a computer or a robot in the next 20 years.
by Andrew Keen
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Online Video (Free)
Picking up where we left off in the first session, we move from the early vision to the reality of the internet today. To many, their hopes have been smashed by the revelations of government surveillance of our personal data…
by Andrew Keen
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In a hard-hitting and provocative polemic, Silicon Valley insider and pundit Andrew Keen exposes the grave consequences of today's new participatory Web 2.0....
by Andrew Keen
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The Internet, created during the Cold War, has now ushered in one of the greatest shifts in society since the Industrial Revolution.
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