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by Amir Aczel
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Popular science author Brian Greene sits down to discuss cutting edge theories on the nature of reality in this discussion hosted by WGBH Forum.
by Amir Aczel
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Will "beam me up, Scotty" become reality? Quantum mechanics suggests it may...and soon...
by Amir Aczel
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In December 1929, in a cave near Peking, a group of anthropologists and archaeologists that included a young French Jesuit priest named Pierre Teilhard de Chardin uncovered a prehuman skull. The find quickly became known around the world as Peking Man and was acclaimed as the missing link between erect hunting apes and our Cro-Magnon ancestors.
by Amir Aczel
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In a work that is at once lucid, exhilarating and profound, renowned mathematician Dr. Amir Aczel, critically acclaimed author of Fermat's Last Theorem, takes us into the heart of science's greatest mystery.
by Amir Aczel
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Amir Aczel discusses his new book, Uranium Wars, a provocative history of the scientists who discovered atomic energy.
by Amir Aczel
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Toward the end of the 19th century, one of the most brilliant mathematicians in history languished in an asylum...
by Amir Aczel
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Amir D. Aczel, mathematician and historian of science, talks about the largest and yet arguably the most fundamental experiment in scientific history: the work with the Large Hadron Collider.
by Amir Aczel
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The story of how we got our numbers - told through one mathematician's journey to find zero.
by Amir Aczel
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The secrets of science meet the drama of the high seas. Amir D. Aczel, the distinguished science writer, turns detective as he uncovers the fascinating story...
by Amir Aczel
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The renowned science writer, mathematician, and best-selling author of Fermat's Last Theorem masterfully refutes the overreaching claims of the "New Atheists," providing millions of educated believers with a clear, engaging explanation of what science really says...
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