
Albert Mohler Audio Books

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by Albert Mohler
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The Albert Mohler Program is a one-hour talk show hosted every weekday by Dr. R. Albert Mohler. The show is devoted to engaging contemporary culture with the biblical truth.

by Albert Mohler
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Change the way you think about leadership. At the age of 33, Dr. Albert Mohler became the youngest president in the 153-year history of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

by Albert Mohler
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If God has spoken, then the highest human aspiration must be to hear what the Creator has said.

by Albert Mohler
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Thinking in Public is a forum for extended intelligent conversation about important theological and cultural issues with the people who are shaping them.

by Albert Mohler
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"For far too long, Christians have been concerned to elect the right people to office, and then go back home...

by Albert Mohler
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"Contemporary preaching suffers from a loss of confidence in the power of the Word...from an infatuation with technology...from an embarrassment before the biblical text...from an evacuation of biblical content...from a focus on felt needs...from an absence of gospel..."

by Albert Mohler
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Twenty years ago, not one nation on earth had legal same-sex marriage.

by Albert Mohler
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Our Father, who art in heaven.... The opening words of the Lord's Prayer have become so familiar that we often speak them without a thought, sometimes without any awareness that we are speaking at all.

by Albert Mohler
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The president of Southern Seminary reveals how secularism has infiltrated every aspect of society and how Christians, equipped with the gospel of Jesus Christ, can meet it head on with hope, confidence, and steadfast conviction.

by Albert Mohler
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Audio CD

Are you prepared to address the most challenging cultural issues of your time? Mass media and technology are exploding. Popular entertainment relentlessly pushes the envelope.

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