Adam Rutherford
Audio Books
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by Adam Rutherford
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In our unique genomes, every one of us carries the story of our species - births, deaths, disease, war, famine, migration, and a lot of sex.
by Adam Rutherford
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Despite our clever linguistic abilities, humans are spectacularly ill-equipped to comprehend what's happening in the universe. The Complete (Short) Guide to Absolutely Everything tells the story of how we came to suppress our monkey minds and perceive the true nature of reality.
by Adam Rutherford
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How did an obscure academic idea pave the way to the Holocaust within just fifty years?
by Adam Rutherford
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Creation takes us on a journey four billion years in the making - from the very first cell to the ground-breaking biological inventions that will shape the future of our planet....
by Adam Rutherford
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Why did almost all life go extinct 250 million years ago? Why on five other occasions in the geological history has the living world experienced sudden episodes of global mega-death with the majority of species being annihilated?....
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