A.C. Grayling
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11 Titles
by A.C. Grayling
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In this lively debate from Intelligence Squared U.S., four speakers argue whether or not the World would be better without religion.
by A.C. Grayling
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The first authoritative and accessible single-volume history of philosophy to cover both Western and Eastern traditions, from one of the world's most eminent thinkers
by A.C. Grayling
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In the words of Blaise Pascal, mathematician and Catholic, "Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from a religious conviction."
by A.C. Grayling
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Online Video (Free)
No one doubts the bravery of the thousands of men who flew and died in Bomber Command. The death rate was an appalling 44%.
by A.C. Grayling
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In his acclaimed columns in the London Times and Prospect, A. C. Grayling often responds to provocative questions posed by editors and readers....
by A.C. Grayling
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A. C. Grayling has created a nonreligious bible drawn from the wealth of secular literature and philosophy in both Western and Eastern traditions....
by A.C. Grayling
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Prompted by the EU referendum in the UK and the presidential election in the USA, A. C. Grayling investigates why the institutions of representative democracy seem unable to hold up against forces they were designed to manage and why, crucially, it matters.
by A.C. Grayling
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What are the arguments for and against religion and religious belief - all of them - right across the range of reasons and motives that people have for being religious...
by A.C. Grayling
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In very recent times humanity has learnt a vast amount about the universe, the past and itself.
by A.C. Grayling
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The Age of Genius explores the eventful intertwining of outward event and inner intellectual life to tell, in all its richness and depth, the story of the 17th century in Europe.
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