Simply Audiobooks
Simply Audiobooks is an audiobook rental subscription program with over 3,000 titles available to rent on compact disc, 1,100 of which are unabridged. For $24.95 per month ($19.95 per month if you prepay for 12 months) you get 2 audio items at a time which can be sent back for free when you have finished them and more items that you've requested in your "Bookshelf" will be sent to you. There are no late fees or due dates, and all rented items are sent out for free as first class mail in prepaid mailer for return shipping. If titles are more than 5 CDs then they are broken up into multiple items. For $34.95 you can receive 3 items at a time and for $44.95 you can receive 4 items at a time, and for all the membership plans you can cancel at anytime. Their titles can be easily searched and they have a list of categories which you can browse. If you give them a credit card number, you can receive a 15 day free trial which you must cancel at the end of the period.
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