
Oasis Audio

Oasis Audio Publishes and Sells Over 1000 Audio Book Titles on CD and Download. Oasis focus on personal listening products, with an emphasis placed on Christian living topics in particular. Topics include Audio Bibles, Non-Fiction on Contemporary Christianity, Complete Idiots Guides, Christian-Themed Fiction, and a "Smart Audio" category that showcases business audio books. Their site has a page devoted to their authors and users can sign up for an email newsletter that features up to date news and special offer discounts. Titles can be purchased online directly from their website.

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by Gary Chapman
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Dr. Gary Chapman identifies five basic languages of love and then guides couples towards a better understanding of their unique languages of love.

by Emerson Eggerichs
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Successful couples know that harmony and happiness in marriage are not achieved by love alone. There is the other side of the Ephesians 5:33 equation - respect.

by John Bevere
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Luring believers to take up an offense is one of Satan's most deceptive snares. In this revision, marking the fifteenth anniversary of his best-selling book, John Bevere shows Christians how to stay free from offense and how to escape the victim mentality.

by John Eldredge
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Every man was once a boy. And every little boy has dreams, big dreams....

by Josh McDowell
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A hard-hitting audio for people who are skeptical about Jesus' deity, His resurrection, and His claim on their lives.

by Gary Chapman
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You love your child, but does your child feel loved? Every child has a unique way of feeling loved.

by Roger Connors
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Once individuals learn to accept responsibility, they can use the Oz Principle to become better leaders....

by Joanna Weaver
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Joanna shows how all of us-Marys and Marthas alike-can draw closer to our Lord, deepening our devotion, strengthening our service, and doing both with less stress and greater joy.

by Juanita Bynum
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God works through the prayers of his people. Become effectual intercessors with these practical tools.

by Gary Chapman
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We have all been in situations where an apology is necessary. A compassionate guide, filled with anecdotes and research designed to help individuals and couples resolve interpersonal conflicts.

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