Google Talks
Our collection of Google Talks features top talks from the authors & speakers who visit Google's Mountain View headquarters or other Google offices. Most of these talks come from Google's "@Google Talks" channel and their "GoogleTechTalks" channel on YouTube. Their Authors@Google talks feature authors talking about their most recent books and fielding questions from Google employees. Their author talks cover a wide variety of books, but the focus tends to be more on business, technology, leadership, and other topics that pertain to Google employees. Some of their other @Google Talks series are their Leading@Google series, Health@Google series, Women@Google series, and their Personal Growth Series. Their Google Tech Talks showcase talks about technology but also many other other topics including psychology, science, leadership, and more. Enjoy this selection of talks from Google.
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647 Titles
The Talks at Google podcast - where great minds meet. Talks at Google brings the world’s most influential thinkers, creators, makers, and doers all to one place.
Ronald D. Siegel
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In this presentation hosted by Google Talks, psychologist Dr. Ron Siegel discusses how the psychiatric community has adapted meditational practice as a means of coping with stress and depression.
David Allen
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In this Google Talk David Allen introduces some of the ideas in his bestselling book and time management system Getting Things Done.
Michael Lewis
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In this video from the @GoogleTalks, Michael Lewis, author of The Blind Side, Moneyball, Liar's Poker, and numerous other books, discusses these works and tells interesting stories about how they all came to be.
Elizabeth Gilbert
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In this free half-hour talk delivered for the Authors@Google program, Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat, Pray, Love, reads an excerpt from her bestselling book which gives a background to the quest she undertook to Italy, India, and Bali, to explore her competing urges for earthly delights and divine transcendence.
Daniel Siegel
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In this hour-long talk delivered at Google, author and brain researcher Dr. Daniel Siegel explains his definition of the what the mind is. He takes us on a quick overview of the functions of the brain, from the spinal cord all the way up to the prefrontal cortex where he argues that the uniqueness of humans stems from.
Tim Ferriss
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Ferriss recently delivered this talk at Google, covering The 4-Hour Chef and how he applied his path of accelerated learning to the art of cooking.
Adrian Hong
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Google will be hosting Dong Hyuk Shin, a 26-year-old North Korean defector born and raised in a concentration camp.
Jordan Metzl
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Need some motivation to move? Dr. Jordan Metzl is author of The Exercise Cure: A Doctor's All-Natural, No-Pill Prescription for Better Health and Longer Life, and in this talk he delivered at Google he prescribes exercise for many of our society's medical issues from the brain to the body.
Mark Hyman
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In this talk delivered at Google, Dr. Hyman talks about The UltraMind Solution and how to look at brain & mind health through the lens of the health of the whole body.
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