
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
Website: www.cbc.ca

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, (CBC), is a producer and retailer of well over 150 audio and video products and programs available on cassette, CD, DVD and VHS. CBC’s video/DVD section offers a wide selection of titles covering subjects such as: biography, comedy, drama, history, performing arts, sports and war and also a variety of French programs, documentaries and films. Customers may also browse through CBC’s spoken word audio section to find a wide variety of documentaries, lectures, poetry, comedy and readings available on CD or cassette. Titles such as: Dead Dog Café Comedy Hour, The Revolt of Islam and Poetry Face-off are featured as well as A Midsummer Nights Dream, Shakespeare (English) and Great Conversations with Michael Enright, to name a few.

CBC audio and video titles are available for purchase directly through the CBC website or customers may order by phone (800-955-7711), via fax (416-205-2139) or by mail order: CBC Shop, PO Box 500 Station “A”, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5W 1E6. All titles are available for purchase in the United States.

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CBC's Ideas Podcast is a well produced one-hour public radio show that covers a specific idea in contemporary culture or intellectual history.

by Eleanor Wachtel
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Writers & Company offers an opportunity to explore in depth the lives, thoughts and works of remarkable writers from around the world. Hosted by Eleanor Wachtel.

by Bob McDonald
Available on:

One of the best science podcasts available is Quirks and Quarks from CBC Radio. Host Bob McDonald speaks with scientists around the globe about the latest in science, technology, medicine and the environment.

by Martin Luther King, Jr.
Available on:
Online Video (Free)

Conscience for Change features five lectures that Martin Luther King, Jr., delivered in November and December 1967 for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) Massey Lectures.

by Noam Chomsky
Available on:
Online Video (Free)

This internationally acclaimed linguist and political radical inquires into the nature of the media in a political system where the population cannot be disciplined by force and thus must be subjected to more subtle forms of ideological control.

by Jayme Poisson
Available on:

The Front Burner Podcast is a daily podcast from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. This public radio podcast covers news stories related to Canada, along with some stories covering news in the United States and around the world.

by Charles Dickens
Available on:
Audio CD

Enjoy a Christmas classic read by one of CBC Radio’s favourites, Alan Maitland. Also known as Fireside Al, he was best loved for his reading of enchanting stories during the holiday season.

by Nikolai Gogol
Available on:
Audio CD

Dramatization of classic fiction describing character's gradual slide into insanity.

Available on:

Listening to As It Happens is like taking a trip around the world. From the complex headlines of the day to the weird and wacky, As It Happens brings you the story behind the story.

by David Suzuki
Available on:
Audio CD

As we look ahead to an uncertain future, we have to examine some of our most cherished notions, like the ability of science to give us the power to manage nature…

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