
Tom Peters Audio & Video

Born in Baltimore in 1942, Tom Peters has become what The Economist has called the business "Uber-Guru". He has been labeled business's "best friend and worst nightmare" due to his uncoventional and uncompromising views on the way business management must change to meet new trends. Peters' history is varied: He served two tours in Vietnam, worked in the Pentagon, was a senior White House Drug Advisor, and worked in various Management-related capacities over the last 3 decades.

Over the last 25 years, this Stanford business graduate has been the most important factor in shifting the debate on management from the boardroom to the world stage. Managers and employees alike participate in the 75 seminars Peters presents annually and his importance has only grown in the digital marketplace of the 21st century.

We Recommend
If you are managing a business that needs some new ideas, or are interested in starting a new enterprise, Tom Peters can offer fresh and compelling insight into how you should go about navigating the turbulant business world. LearnOutLoud.com has all of Peter's audio books and video programs ready for your perusal. For instance we have the classic "In Search Of Excellence", named by NPR as one of the "Top Three Business Books Of The Century" and with good reason. The audio book studies 43 of America's best-run companies and describes the 8 basic principles of effective managment that made the organizations successful.

Worried that you've become stagnant in your work? Interested in something that will push the boundaries of your business? "The Pursuit Of Wow!" encompasses everything from an incisive look at revolution in the workplace to an intense dialogue with listeners on cutting edge issues like America's love for "Bigness" and how crisis can work as a teacher. There's also "Re-Imagine!" the No. 1 best seller that aims to do no less than reinvent the business book through a vibrant, energetic presentation of critical ideas.

LearnOutLoud.com has everything you need to get ahead in the business world and keep your stake in it fresh and forward looking. Feel free to browse the Tom Peter's audio and video titles listed below and make up your mind on what your next business step will be.

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by Tom Peters
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Audio Download

What, according to Tom Peters, Chairman of Tom Peters Company, is the problem with the way people do business today?

by Tom Peters
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Tom Peters--brilliant, original, and perhaps the most inspiring and listened-to business thinker of our time--has a lot on his mind these days.

by Tom Peters
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A radical new plan of action for corporate managers from the co-author of In Search of Excellence and A Passion for Excellence.

by Tom Peters
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Audio CD

Famed management consultant Tom Peters says the world is reinventing itself everyday. And you need to reinvent yourself with it.

by Tom Peters
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Audio Download | Audio CD | MP3 CD

Most organizations are stuck in a rut. On one hand, they understand all the good things that will come with growth. On the other, they're petrified that growth means change, and change means risk, and risk means death.

by Tom Peters
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Online Video (Free)

A conversation with business guru Tom Peters about his book The Circle of Innovation: You Cant Shrink Your Way to Greatness, which offers inspirational advice for those interested in starting a business.

by Tom Peters
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Brilliantly simple, actionable guidelines for success that any business leader can immediately implement.

by Tom Peters
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There is a new, highly personalized, more entrepreneurial environment being created inside today's most successful organizations....

by Tom Peters
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Audio Download

The founder of Menlo Innovations and author of the business culture cult classic Joy, Inc. offers an inspirational guide to leaders seeking joy in the challenge of leading others.

by Tom Peters
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The coauthor of In Search of Excellence offers practical insights on business, management, leadership, and success....

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