
Pema Chodron Audio & Video

Pema Chodron was born Deirdre Blomfield-Brown in 1936, in New York City. She taught as an elementary school teacher for many years in both New Mexico and California. While in her mid-thirties, Pema traveled to the French Alps and encountered Lama Chime Rinpoche, with whom she studied for several years. She became a novice nun in 1974 while studying with Lama Chime in London.

Pema first met her root guru, Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, (the "Vidyadhara") in 1972. Lama Chime encouraged her to work with Rinpoche, and it was with him that she ultimately made her most profound connection, studying with him from 1974 until his death in 1987. At the request of His Holiness the Sixteenth Karmapa, she received the full bikshuni ordination in the Chinese lineage of Buddhism in 1981 in Hong Kong.

Pema served as the director of Karma Dzong in Boulder, Colorado until moving in 1984 to rural Cape Breton, Nova Scotia to be the director of Gampo Abbey. The success of her first two books, The Wisdom of No Escape and Start Where You Are, made her something of a celebrity as a woman Buddhist teacher and as a specialist in the Mahayana Buddhist teachings.

Pema Chodron is interested in helping establish Tibetan Buddhist monasticism in the West, as well in continuing her work with Western Buddhists of all traditions, sharing ideas and teachings. She has written over a dozen books including The Wisdom of No Escape, Start Where You Are, When Things Fall Apart, and The Places That Scare You, which are available to download from LearnOutLoud.com and published by Shambhala Publications. She has also recorded dozens of audio programs of her live teachings many of which you can find here.

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by Pema Chodron
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How can we go on living "when things fall apart" when we are overcome by pain, fear, and anxiety? Pema Chodron's answer to that question contains some spectacularly good news…

by Pema Chodron
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In this three-CD program, Pema Chodron draws on Buddhist teachings to reveal how to find real happiness amid the inevitable shocks, losses, and frustrations of living.

by Pema Chodron
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Have you ever had an itch—and not scratched it?

by Pema Chodron
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When it comes to meditation, Pema Chodron is widely regarded as one of the world's foremost teachers. Yet she's never offered an introductory course on audio --until now.

by Pema Chodron
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The Chronicles is a repository of teachings, articles, interviews, news and podcasts pertaining to the life and teachings of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche.

by Pema Chodron
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We always have a choice, Pema Chodron teaches: We can let the circumstances of our lives harden us and make us increasingly resentful and afraid...

by Pema Chodron
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With insight and humor, Chodron frames her teachings around 59 traditional Buddhist practice slogans (called lojong in Tibetan) to develop the courage to face inner pain and thereby discover a wealth of joy, well-being, and confidence.

by Pema Chodron
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Gathered from the works of the American-born Buddhist nun Pema Chodron, Comfortable with Uncertainty presents...

by Pema Chodron
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It’s true, as they say, that we can only love others when we first love ourselves and we can only experience real joy when we stop running from pain.

by Pema Chodron
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What if the full sense of our aliveness were only to be found amidst our most challenging times and difficult experiences? In pain and crisis, teaches Pema Chödrön, there lies a hidden doorway to freedom that appears to us only when we're sure that there is no way out.

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