
Paramahansa Yogananda Audio & Video

Paramahansa Yogananda was born in West Bengal, India in 1893 and died in Los Angeles in 1952. As a child, he was initiated by wise Hindu masters such as Sri Yukteshwar Giri to thoughts and practices that would in the future shape his own interest for spirituality. Before entering the monastic order as a monk, he developed an interest for western knowledge and studied in the prestigious Scottish Church College, before obtaining a philosophy degree at the University of Calcutta.

Paramahansa Yogananda is known for being one of the first yogis to spread his knowledge on a large scale, creating a western public interest for Yoga and Indian spirituality when he moved to America. In his most popular book Autobiography of a Yogi, available for download through LearnOutLoud.com, Paramahansa Yogananda gathers together an interesting amount of narratives, experiences, and principles about Kriya Yoga, a revival of ancient yoga practices. Translated into twenty-five language, Autobiography of a Yogi remains a wise and highly influential work for those who are interested in meditation and self-realization, another central theme in Yogananda's teaching. Along with Autobiography of a Yogi, you might want to listen to some of his distilled spiritual wisdom in either The Essence of the Bhagavad Gita or The Essence of Self-Realization which we offer on audio download.

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