Marquese Martin-Hayes is a man with one passion - to see others fulfilled and live out their purpose & dreams. He has given himself to that pursuit as being a fulfillment of his own purpose for existence. Everything he does nurtures that cause. His personal mission statement is to:
"build bridges between man & man and spirit & man, in order to connect man with his dream"
Including having been a military brat, for over 20 years he has studied people, culture and the pursuit of a Dream. Out of this discovery has derived that the only difference between a Dream Achiever and a Dreamer is their perspective. As Henry Ford stated, "Whether you think you can or think you can't either way you're right!"
He has been a shoe salesman, senior manager, video blogger, executive pastor, I.T. team leader, life coach and many other roles all centered around leading and empowering others. His most passionate moments are when he helps others discover their natural, spiritual and skilled gifts as it relates to their personal purpose.
Some of his credentials include being a graduate of Global University in Ministry, studies in Leadership at Southeastern University, a Certified Trainer by Peak Potentials, Certified Leader with Evangel World Outreach Center, Certified MCP, Customer Service Specialist, published Author & Keynote Speaker. He is also an UltraMarathoner, which runs races in segments of 50 Miles or more!
In 2003, Marquese began, "The Proper Perspective", which is his concept that centers on coaching, training and creating resources that empower businesses and individuals in the manifestation of their dreams and goals. Currently, when not promoting his latest book, MondayAgain?!", for which he is affectionately known as "Mr. Monday", he spends the bulk of his time and activity empowering others through Social Emotional Learning, natural nutrition, human performance and his newest project - "The Market Place," conversations that exist among groups internationally that give value to everyone involved...regardless of socio-economic, religious, gender and educational background.
His penned quotes are:
3 Dream again...
3 The sky is only the beginning
3 Your dreams are the DNA of your purpose