Felice Leonardo Buscaglia was born in Los Angeles, the youngest child of Italian Immigrant Parents. After serving in the Navy during World War II, Buscaglia was able to receive a Bachelor's Degree at the University of Southern California thanks to the benefit of his G.I. Bill. After becoming a teacher at USC, Buscaglia was prompted to ponder the greater issues of human existence after one of his students committed suicide.
His conclusions came to fruition in the form of Love 1A, a class he began teaching at USC in the late 60's. These sessions became the basis for educational conferences that Buscaglia quite succinctly called "Love". The reactions to these conferences in the academic community were ecstatic, and Buscaglia's popularity grew into the 1970's, where he spoke for Colleges and other professional and business organizations.
With time, Buscaglia's fervent messages on love and relationships spilled over into the mass media. His programs on PBS became the biggest single money generator for Public Broadcasting through much of the 1980's. Indeed, it was Buscaglia's presentation style that paved the way for many of PBS' other motivational speakers thereafter. His vision of a world free of the mental and social barriers that impede the expression of love has garnered many followers the world over. In 1998, Buscaglia passed away at his home in Glenbrook, Nevada, but his life is now stands as a testament to the basic need every human has to love and be loved.
We Recommend
To begin with Leo Buscaglia's on Audio, we suggest first starting with Loving Each Other, here Buscaglia deals with the dynamics of human relationships and our fears of commitment. He points out that society's flippant and suspicious attitudes toward tenderness, compassion, caring, sharing and love, has created detached, apathetic people.
Next you might want to try a true classic: The Fall of Freddie the Leaf. This audio book, which has touched both children and adults alike, illustrates the delicate balance between life and death. Here we meet Freddie the Leaf and his companions, whose colors change and die as the coming winter approaches. This is a must for any parent that wishes to introduce the concept of transcendence after physical death to their child.
Finally there's Living, Loving & Learning; here Buscaglia will convince you that the road to a fuller, happier life is already open to you, and how every day can be enriched, enhanced, and most of all, enjoyed. If you want to find a better understanding of the ins and outs of human love, there is no better guide than Leo Buscaglia. is proud to gather everything available by the author on audio & video.