
Joseph Campbell
Website: www.jcf.org

Joseph Campbell Audio

Born in 1904, Joseph Campbell is best known for his work in the fields of mythology and comparative religion. At an early age, Campbell became fascinated by Native American culture after a trip to a museum with his father, and soon after devoured as much research as he could find on the subject. He soon became versed in numerous aspects of Native American society, primarily in mythology. This led Campbell to a lifelong passion with myth and its correlated threads among all human cultures.

In his adult life, Campbell was a prolific editor and translator, but he is most well-known for his publications on comparative mythology. His major work is The Hero With A Thousand Faces in which he examines the universality of the functions of mythology and the mythic figures. Late in his life, Joseph Campbell came to the attention of a whole new generation when film director George Lucas cited The Hero With A Thousand Faces as one of the primary influences on The Star Wars Trilogy. An interview series recorded in the last year of his life with Bill Moyers, Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth has become one of the last great testimonies to Campbell's enduring importance.

We Recommend
If you are a novice to Joseph Campbell's work, or are looking for more from him, LearnOutLoud.com has many audio titles to choose from. For starters there's the classic Hero With A Thousand Faces, which discusses the myth of the hero's journey, a pattern found in many cultures. We also feature many recorded lectures in the Joseph Campbell Collection including The Western Quest, The Eastern Way and Mythology and the Individual. These lectures have never before been published and offer subject matter that ranges from comparative religion to the way mythology can impact our every day life. All of these are presented in Campbell's trademark gravely voice and irresistible charisma.

If you are interested in Joseph Campbell's work and want to learn more, there's no better way than to hear it taught by the man himself. The titles listed below are your best resource on the internet for everything published on audio by the master of myth. Let LearnOutLoud.com help you discover the world of stories that have shaped human history.

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