
John Gray Audio & Video

Beginning in 1995 with his groundbreaking Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus, the New York Times number one best-selling book of the last decade, John Gray launched a Mars-Venus book series that changed the way men and women will forever view relationships. In the fifteen years since, John Gray has sold over 50 million books in more than 45 languages throughout the world.

An expert in the field of communication, Gray's focus is to help men and women understand, respect and appreciate their differences in both personal and professional relationships. In his many books, CD's, DVD's, tapes, workshops and seminars, he provides simple, practical tools and insights to effectively manage stress and improve relationships at all stages and ages by creating the brain and body chemistry of health, happiness and lasting romance.

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by John Gray
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Explaining how differences can come between the sexes and prohibit mutually fulfilling relationships, Gray gives advice on how to counteract these differences in communication styles, emotional needs, and modes of behavior.

by John Gray
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In his travels, lectures, and seminars, the book John Gray has been most often asked to write is a parenting book.

by John Gray
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Listeners learn, among other things, how both men and women can become sexually satisfied without frustrating the other partner; how to communicate sexual needs effectively and romantically; and how to make the most of the difference.

by John Gray
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Gray's devoted listeners will be glad to hear his advice on how to improve communication, increase self-esteem, transform negative feelings into positive ones, and enrich loving relationships.

by John Gray
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Upon its release in 1992, John Gray's Men are From Mars, Women are from Venus argued that men and women have identifiable, hardwired differences that explain why it's sometimes so difficult for the sexes to communicate.

by John Gray
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For more than 20 years, John Gray's Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus has helped couples deepen their intimacy and rejuvenate their love lives.

by John Gray
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John Gray, who celebrated gender difference in his groundbreaking work Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus...

by John Gray
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In what is certain to be his biggest book since the phenomenal "Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus", John Gray blasts off into the exciting new territory of the singles universe, using his relationship expertise to help unattached men and women find romance and embark on the road to lasting intimacy.

by John Gray
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Building on the phenomenal success of his bestselling Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus, Gray takes listeners to the next step in the evolution of a relationship.

by John Gray
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As millions of viewers have seen on "Oprah", John Gray's healing advice is second to none. Now this master therapist takes therapy to the next level with a brilliant new personal success program.

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