John F. Kennedy Audio & Video
John F. Kennedy, 35th President of the United States, was a complex man with an interesting public and private life. His legacy has many aspects to it: father, husband, and President. He led a private life shrouded with mystery and a few scandals, which would come to the public's attention many years after his assassination in Dallas, Texas in 1963.
Growing up in Brooklyn, New York, he lived a privileged life with money and power. His family life was very large and he grew up with eight brothers and sisters. His extended family was also a big influence on him. John graduated from Harvard and later went into the Navy. He suffered a back injury and later returned to his private life. His father had political hopes for him. In 1952 he was elected to the Senate. He met and married Jacqueline Bouvier the following year. This was the beginning of his political road to the White House.
One we feature a number of his speeches including a number of speech collections on audio download such as: JFK: The Kennedy Tapes and John F. Kennedy: The JFK Wit.
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John F. Kennedy
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Online Audio (Free)
This is a compilation of highlights of some of the most well-known speeches of modern times, spanning the years of 1940-1987.
John F. Kennedy
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Online Video (Free)
We thought we'd feature this recording of John F. Kennedy reading the United States Declaration of Independence. JFK created this recording when he was a Senator and it was broadcast on radio on July 4th, 1957.
John F. Kennedy
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Online Audio (Free) | Online Video (Free)
During 1954-1955, John F. Kennedy, then a U.S. senator, chose eight of his historical colleagues to profile for their acts of astounding integrity in the face of overwhelming opposition.
John F. Kennedy
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Audio Download (Free) | Online Video (Free)
"We observe today not a victory of party, but a celebration of freedom..."
John F. Kennedy
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Audio Download (Free) | Online Audio (Free)
The Miller Center of Public Affairs features downloadable audio of the speeches by numerous Presidents in the 20th century. They offer over a dozen John F. Kennedy speeches...
John F. Kennedy
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Audio Download (Free) | Online Video (Free)
On October 22nd, 1962, President John F. Kennedy delivered a nation-wide televised address about the discovery of Soviet missiles in Cuba and the U.S. plan of action during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Watch or listen to Kennedy's speech during one of the major confrontations of the Cold War.
John F. Kennedy
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Audio Download (Free) | Online Audio (Free)
"I repeat: our practical choice is not between a tax-cut deficit and a budgetary surplus."
John F. Kennedy
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Online Audio (Free) | Online Video (Free)
This special collection highlights the famous Kennedy wit from 1960 to 1963.
John F. Kennedy
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Audio Download (Free) | Online Video (Free)
Listen to John F. Kennedy's 1960 Democratic National Convention Acceptance Address delivered on July 15, 1960 at Memorial Coliseum in Los Angeles.
John F. Kennedy
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Online Audio (Free) | Online Video (Free)
Highlights of 16 of John F. Kennedy's best known speeches, chronicling his Presidential years, 1960 through 1963.
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